Town of Stillwater Comprehensive Plan (2006)
An Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) version of the complete plan (without appendices) is provided below. The file is large (110 pages) and therefore we have divided the document in two sections (Inventory & Analysis and the Action Plan) to create smaller, more manageable documents to allow ease of downloading.
- Comprehensive Plan (Adopted on July 6, 2006)
- Inventory & Analysis (Sections 1 – 4)
- Action Plan (Sections 5 – 7)
The Figures referenced in the plan are provided separately below as .pdf files for your review.
- Figure 1: Location Map
- Figure 2: Topography
- Figure 3: Bedrock Geology
- Figure 4: Surficial Geology
- Figure 5: Soils
- Figure 6: Constraints to Development
- Figure 7: Hydric Soils
- Figure 8: Water Resources
- Figure 9: Wetlands
- Figure 10: Land Use
- Figure 11: Agricultural Districts
- Figure 12: Zoning
- Figure 13: Roads
- Figure 14: Existing Water Districts / Water Supply
- Figure 15: Sewer Districts
- Figure 16: School Districts
- Figure 17: Buildout Results
- Figure 18: Recommendations Map