James P. Trainor Esq. of Trainor, Pezzulo & DeSanto PLLC
Town Attorney
Phone: 518.899.9200
Fax: 518.899.9300
Email: jamest@tpdlawfirm.com
2452 US Route 9, Suite 203
Malta, NY 12020

The Town Attorney’s Office coordinates, Initiates, and defends actions and proceedings against the Town in State and local Courts.
Prepares Legislation, Town Board Resolutions and local ordinances and supervises legal actions to enforce the laws and regulations of the Town Code.
Negotiates, reviews and prepares legal documents such as contracts, agreements, deeds, leases, labor contracts, etc.
Develops or assists in the drafting of proposed rules, regulations, policies, etc., for Town programs or operations and reviews legislation and rules and regulations of other government entities for impact on the Town and its operations.
Provides Legal Advice to all Departments, Town Government, and Boards.