Emergency Management

The Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan is the result of the recognition by both the Town and Village of Stillwater that a comprehensive plan is needed to enhance and guide the community’s ability to prepare, respond and recover from emergency or disaster events. The plan was prepared jointly with members of the volunteer Emergency Management Committee in coordination with Saratoga County and the State Office of Emergency Management. The plan constitutes an integral part of a statewide emergency management program and contributes to its effectiveness. Authority to undertake this effort is provided by both Executive Law Article 2-b and the New York State Defense Emergency Act.

9-1-1 Emergency Notifications

Saratoga County utilizes an emergency notification warning tool used to make rapid emergency telephone notifications to residents and businesses in precise geographic areas. The Code Red 9-1-1 emergency notification tool will be used by Saratoga County emergency officials, during emergencies only, to deliver incident-specific information or potentially life-saving instruction to those in the affected area(s).

The 9-1-1 emergency notification tool integrates mapping technology with phone databases, and will call listed and unlisted landline telephone numbers for Saratoga County residences and businesses.

Cellular phone numbers are not automatically included in the system database, nor are Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone systems.

Download Special needs registry form here

Important Links and Downloads:

Residents in Flood in Prone Areas
The American Red Cross announced its new Flood App to help save lives and reduce losses from floods and flash floods. This free app gives iPhone, iPad and Android smartphone users instant access to local and real-time information, so they know what to do before, during and after a flood.

The content is available in English and Spanish based on the user’s language settings on their mobile device. The app includes location-based, audible NOAA flood and flash flood watches and warnings — even if the app is closed. Read More.

Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan 2012 Update
Donations Management Task Force
DOWNLOAD Standard Operating Guideline.

This guidance document provides information on planning considerations for a major event to aid local government in:
1) formulating a donations management strategy;
2) developing, activating and demobilizing a donations management operation;
3) managing donated monies, goods and services;
4) managing volunteer resources and government agency assistance;
5) coordinating with the media;
6) miscellaneous housekeeping issues.

Donations Management Appendix
DOWNLOAD Appendix.

This appendix defines the organization, provides operational guidance, responsibilities, and procedures to manage donated resources during an emergency or disaster affecting the Stillwater Community.

Emergency Pet Shelter Annex
DOWNLOAD Emergency Pet Shelter Annex.

Emergency pet sheltering, also referred to as pet-accessible shelters, is designed to meet the needs of people and their animals during emergencies and disasters. Animal owners are responsible for their animals, and should have a disaster plan prepared for their animals in case of evacuations or emergencies. Still, there will sometime situations where emergency animal sheltering is needed such as rapid-onset disasters, massive evacuations where hotels and boarders/vet clinics are full and evacuees who bring their pets with them.

Stillwater Community Shelter Annex
 DOWNLOAD Stillwater Community Shelter Annex.

Events statewide have caused all levels of government to take a closer look at congregate care. This annex to the Stillwater Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan is for use by local officials in addressing the threat of disaster which may require the activation of public shelters due to evacuations, need for temporary warming, cooling or feeding.

Hazard Analysis

On March 11, 2004, the Town of Stillwater conducted a hazard analysis using the automated program, HAZNY (Hazards New York). HAZNY was developed by the American Red Cross and the New York State Emergency Management Office. The results of this hazard analysis are presented in this report.

Mental Health/Psychological First Aid Response
DOWNLOAD Mental Health Plan.

This plan will cover four areas of emergency preparedness. Given the limited resources and number of mental health volunteers (MHV) available the plan is designed to meet the needs of the community in the following areas: Emergency Shelters, Emergency Operations Center, Community-wide Education, Limited response following a disaster (Psychological First Aid or PFA)

State And Local Natural And Man-Made Disaster Preparedness


Residents can enroll in the County’s CodeREDemergency notification system to receive updates from the county’s Emergency Management Team.  To enroll, follow this link: https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/en-US/BF26DE55718D

Visit Red Cross for Course Information and to Register

Download FREE Red Cross Mobile Apps today, in the Apple App Store or Google Play

The tools and preparedness information you need every day.