Planning Board

The Planning Board is responsible for the review applications for minor and major subdivisions, commercial site plans, and special use permits in relation to the Town Zoning Code, the Town Comprehensive Plan and GEIS Update, and all other relevant Town Studies.

The Planning Board meets the fourth Monday of the month at 6pm.

The application deadlines are listed on the meeting schedule

Planning Board Members

Frank Bisnett (Chairperson) 12/31/2024
Peter Buck 12/31/2026
Randy Rathbun 12/31/2027
MaryBeth Reilly 12/31/2024
Eliot Cresswell 12/31/2029
Kimberlee Marshall 12/31/2025
Dale Smith
Carol Marotta (alternate) expires yearly
Tim Scrom (alternate) expires yearly


Senior Town Planner Lindsay Buck, CPESC, CPMSM, CESSWI
Town Engineer Paul Male, P.E., PLS, CPESC
Attorney for the Planning Board Ryan Pezzulo, Esq.
Secretary Sheila Silic

Planning Board Information, Downloads & Resources

Planning Board Meeting Schedule 2025 (please note that meetings now start at 6pm)
Planning Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes
Planning Board Forms and Application
Stormwater Resources 
Town of Stillwater MS4 Annual Report Draft.4.20.2022