“SHS Gives Back” had yet another successful day of community service by members of the Stillwater High School Freshman class. On Thursday April 26th, freshman students and faculty members volunteered their time by heading out to various sites in the Stillwater community that needed a little “giving back”. Including Glen Hollow Park, Major Dickinson Park, Blockhouse Park, Saratoga Battlefield, Peregrine Memory Care Center, Stillwater Area Community Center and Still Point Retreat.
This program was started in 2009 and continues to be a an event that all freshman look forward to. “This opportunity allows our students to work within the community.The skills and experience acquired helps build lasting memories and creates a strong sense of community for the Stillwater students.” Clint Froschauer, Assistant Principal
The Town and Village would like to thank the Class of 2021 for their wonderful sense of community and showing everyone what ONE day of helping others can accomplish! Congratulations! Job well done!