Stormwater Management

Stormwater Management

The Town of Stillwater is a designated small  MS4 community in accordance with the NYS DEC General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems GP-0-24-001.  The permit requires MS4 Operators to develop and implement a stormwater management program with the intent to reduce impacts of illicit discharges and development impacts in order to improve water quality.

Contact:    Lindsay Buck, CPESC, CPMSM, CESSWI
                     Senior Town Planner
                    Stormwater Program Coordinator

For concerns relating to Illicit Discharges or Construction Site Run-off please use the Stormwater Hotline:

Town of Stillwater Stormwater Management Plan:

Stillwater MS4 Annual Report and Interim Report 2025

For additional information:

Saratoga County Inter-Municipal Stormwater Management Program

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation