Tax Collector FAQ’s

Who do I make my check out to?
Can I print my bill from my computer?
I will be out of Town for this year’s Property Tax Collection. What can I do?
Can I pay my school taxes at the town hall?
If we have paid off our mortgage or refinanced, will you send my bill to the new bank?
Can I pre-pay my property tax bill?
Where can I pay my property tax bill?
When will I receive my property tax bill?
Do I qualify for any exemptions?
I never received my bill, or received it late, do I still have to pay a penalty?
If I mail my payment on the due date do I have to pay a penalty?
Do you mail out late notices?
What is the amount due for my property taxes?
What do I do if I paid my school taxes to the county and the re-levy is on my property tax bill?
Can I make a partial payment?